Gahar Lake (Dorud, Lorestan)

Ashtara lake lies in the lap of the province who is supposed to hit two centuries. Gohar Lake Road thanks to a policy of protecting the environment is still no way to see it is on foot…

Gohar Lake, Waterfront Ashtara

Gohar Lake, Waterfront Ashtara

Because the lake is situated in the mountains Ashtara to achieve it should be bypassed. There are two main routes for access to the lake. The main route is longer walk in the city and one of Aligudarz begins Dorud. Dorud over 20 kilometers of tarmac road to the parking spring Khyh (Green) There and then and Project 12.5 km dirt road lies ahead.

View of the city Dorud

View of the city Dorud

Dorud road Khyh Springs Trailhead navigation

Dorud road Khyh Springs Trailhead navigation

The route initially started with uphill and continues to pass, called the cotton(4.5 km) And then went to the steep slope to the valley floor(2.5 km) And then end with a gentle slope to the lake(5.5 km) Goes. God has the power to pass the final uphill near the lake is famous.

Grazing near cotton

Grazing near cotton

View down the valley cotton saddle height difference 450 M, it is clear the dirt road. In return, try this path before sunrise during the.

View down the valley with cotton saddle height difference of 450 meters, it is clear the dirt road. In return, try this path before sunrise during the.

Along the way there are two sources for water removal. The first direction and the second at the bottom of the gorge cotton at 7 km route. Next to the fountain area for resting made of cement. In summer tourists to secure the tent next to the fountain of police deployed.

Cotton spring in the direction of Lake Gohar

Cotton spring in the direction of Lake Gohar

Gohar Lake in the path of God, ie the ridge strength

Gohar Lake in the path of God, ie the ridge strength

Lane dirt road and the last pass, pass the power of God

Lane dirt road and the last pass, pass the power of God

Last kilometers route and enthusiasm lake view

Last kilometers route and enthusiasm lake view

Station is located along the lake environment. Camp Lake area of ​​environmental cleanup contractor has been entrusted to it by the entrance to the parking lot in the middle of the road is a researcher.

Sign Gohar Lake

Sign Gohar Lake

Sunset Lake Gohar

Sunset Lake Gohar

Gohar calm lake(September)

Gohar calm lake(September)

Bearing in common with the animals is done in this direction. بدین صورت که در ابتدای مسیر یا در انتها در کنار دریاچه چارپا بارگیری شده و به مسافر تحویل داده می شود و شما در انتها آن را به مسئول انتهای خط تحویل می دهید.

Gohar road Heroes

Gohar road Heroes

Gohar Lake is the place to relax, there is an opportunity for fishing, swimming and boat rides to tourists is. Although swimming and boating in the lake is prohibited, but these are the main entertainments for tourists is Lake. Caution is needed to swim in cold water using a life jacket.

Camp Tourism

Camp Tourism

با توجه به اینکه مسیر پیمایش طولانی است و در طول روز در زیر آفتاب است برخی گروه ها این مسیر را در طول شب یا قبل از طلوع آفتاب طی می کنند.

Gohar lake view from the top of the ridge route cotton

Gohar lake view from the top of the ridge route cotton

Nyga Gohar Lake Valley that lends journey.

Nyga Gohar Lake Valley that lends journey.

Cotton front springs, the falls can be seen.

Cotton front springs, the falls can be seen.

Lane dirt road and the last pass, pass the power of God

Lane dirt road and the last pass, pass the power of God

Spring Lake Gohar's path is as follows:.

Gohar's Lake dirt road

Gohar's Lake dirt road

To be familiar with the GPS track file Gohar Lake wikiloc Is placed.

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۶ Responses

  1. Mr. X says:

    Well done, well done
    For the full report
    Well done sir.

  2. Mahsa says:

    Thank you very Zybatvn report

    یکی از توصیه های جالبی که در این منطقه برای برگشت از دریاچه وجود داره اینه که طبق توصیه نویسنده قبل از طلوع آفتاب و طبق توصیه ی دوم بعضی از اهالی نزدیکی غروب آفتاب از منطقه عزیمت کنید تا در مسیر اذیت نشید
    The second mode is selected when you walked into a police camp to see
    The second recommendation is that if I could take you up in a day or two of silence Then use your Lake Camp

    A big thanks also responsible for the health and security in the region, which is totally in control

  3. Spurred says:

    سپاس و دوصد یدرودلذت بردم از گزارش تصویری ومتن

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