Once upon a time, Gavkhoni…(Varzaneh, Isfahan)

December is. The morning was cold and we rented a car and traverse of the above mentioned came to Varzaneh…Delight see the remnants Gavkhoni, Varzaneh and granite brought us here…

View of Black Mountain in the northern most point of wetlands Gavkhoni

View of Black Mountain in the northern most point of wetlands Gavkhoni

In the midst of what seems to be the penthouse of the above mentioned. Pigeon dove's dung was used to collect. Interesting architecture of this building is very interesting. Our first destination Gav khooni lagoon residues facing the Black Mountain. Varzaneh 30 km from the West to move in front of your eyes appear black mountain… Cow blood dried up and lifeless, sad air is…

The last piece of wetland

The last piece of wetland

Drying up of the river and continue Gavkhoni work has left a bad mood..

Drying up of the river and continue the spirit of evil has left Gavkhoni…

Oshnan skip past a bush and began to get into the ground moist, shallow blue mountains on one side and black on the other… And cow blood from the left and that…

Oshnan desert halophyte plant that is due to the presence of alkaline soap has been used in traditional manufacturing.

Oshnan desert halophyte plant that is due to the presence of alkaline soap has been used in traditional manufacturing.

without Explanation...

No Description…

Back in the Varzaneh, there are the ruins of the old house seems to have been.

Remains of a building near the pond road

Remains of a building near the pond road

Well we've heard a lot of Gavchah… Varzaneh near the auspices of Mr. Heydari A cow is well established symbolic. Robust Sistani cows and male vocals Varzaneh leading to the withdrawal of about 200 liters of water per cycle is…

Gavchah very beautiful and symbolic Varzaneh that is displayed.

Gavchah very beautiful and symbolic Varzaneh that is displayed.

Mr. Heydari says the high costs of maintenance and support involve the authorities and tourism development Varzaneh.

Sistani cattle due to the large size of the hump and the matter has been handled. Making a connection with Mr. Heidari on the bull, and somehow tame it offered an interesting explanation.

Sistani cattle due to the large size of the hump and the matter has been handled. Making a connection with Mr. Heidari on the bull, and somehow tame it offered an interesting explanation.

The Gavchah is somehow well that move with the animal on a ramp that can be used to help Aquarius water from wells can be evacuated and come out, but this is a big cow stir نمیخورد until the singing Mr heydari, who reads slowly hears: Two or three days that did not smell the flowers.. Did not hear the nightingale twitter ... And then all the way down and Aquarius 200 High-liter kills and returns to his place and the cycle continues..

The Gavchah is somehow well that move with the animal on a ramp that can be used to help Aquarius water from wells can be evacuated and come out, but this is a big cow stir نمیخورد until the singing Mr heydari, who reads slowly hears: Two or three days that did not smell the flowers… Did not hear the nightingale twitter … And then fallen all the way and takes up 200-liter bucket and return to their place and the cycle continues…

Varzaneh across the cotton field and white tent Varzaneh to work than the traditional cotton…If there is no water to depths of several hundred meters from the ground is blue, and this is a serious warning to all of us Iranians…

Cotton farm near Varzaneh

Cotton farm near Varzaneh

10 km south of Varzaneh next Desert around Gavkhoni beautiful surroundings, a place devoted to building a Tourist Camp. Ali Mohammadi executives Camp and Travel Guide Varzaneh well and where we go and how we sabulous….

Raml sand around Varzaneh

Raml sand around Varzaneh

Shore plant near Gavkhoni

Shore plant near Gavkhoni

Siah shour plant near Gavkhoni

Siah shour plant near Gavkhoni

Raml walking on sabulous and very relaxing… Especially now that the range of vision of 360 degrees around sabulous entirely engulfed by man-made and not a trace of… Silence and Silence…

Desert around Varzaneh

Desert around Varzaneh

Enjoy walking on the sand

Enjoy walking on the sand

Close to the time of day when dusk is rapidly. Mental Jara trip to get to the end where…

Desert around Varzaneh

Desert around Varzaneh

Sand prairie landscape

Sand prairie landscape

Taghzar of Varzaneh

Taghzar of Varzaneh

Over a distance of 25 kilometers from the village of Hassan Abad Dastjerd and granite traveled and came to a dirt road salt mine. The set of fields planted to prevent the spread of desert Haloxylon we. West across the sand Gavkhoni Raml seen.

Desert shrub Haloxylon Varzaneh

Desert shrub Haloxylon Varzaneh

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No Description…

The granite hills above Shnly and some have come to surf on beach. The little road salt mine comes up and the guard kiosk… Foot way we. Extra salt bridge forms on the surface of the earth is beautiful…And an extremely smooth surface and smooth to withhold from John…

On the way to the salt mine Khara

On the way to the salt mine Khara

Foolishly, the polyethylene sack is visible on the ground.

Foolishly, the polyethylene sack is visible on the ground.

Cool of the evening, and we way we could one day get back john Gavkhoni…

To learn more about the route and tourist places around Varzaneh and Gavkhoni GPS and map files wikiloc Placed.
Thank you dear friend and companion, Hussein Shafie, to post photos.


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۴ Responses

  1. Mr. X says:

    Excellent excellent, photographs Mhshrn

  2. mrjan says:

    Yesterday we went to the pond cow blood and two other Mashynamvn got stuck and did not Mashynarv in Gzashtymv returned

    • Afra group says:

      Peace be upon you, our opinion is that the car was not anywhere. In addition to habitat destruction and natural hazard effects Afrineh. Enjoy long walks in nature Experience. Good luck

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