Tagged: Mahneshan


Fairy chimneys and flat Dave (Mahneshan, Zanjan)

Each attraction or supernatural or extraterrestrial phenomenon called words like fairies, spirits and demons is composed of most interest. There is also no exception fairy chimneys. Fort Behestan 12 km from city Mahneshan Zanjan right into the chimney of the puck, which is also known as Dave bed.

Rainbow Mountain near Mahneshan 2

Mountain rainbow journey on the path Ghezelozan(Zanjan)

Iran is a collection of effects natural beauty and attractions of this vast country in the beauty of nature in its place. Special geological phenomenon, the mountain rainbow phenomenon that in some countries such as China and Peru attracts a lot of tourists. But I am also seeing the beauty of creation is possible. Read more about the reasons for the formation of these natural forms and access to these areas...