I do not know where the story began, only I know that I was at the right time in the right place, in late October, the first month of autumn was the buzz and controversy that Tehran fucking ran and broke the heart of the Zrda and Narnjya, which this year a little earlier had changed color in the presence of sunlight and a breeze that was forced Drkhtarv Pretty Ones Should Dance ballet, Dell and Mykndn and women turned the wheel to reach union with Zfrvn mountain flowers that fall into more than Bahar love.
Experience crossing the Alborz cloud of origin village anymore to sweet-e Ali Abad Branch short days in autumn He is a very unforgettable. دلم می خواست برم و برم که از خستگی له بشم، برای اینکه لمس کنی باید بری جایی که کسی نباشه تکیه بدی به اون درخت بزرگه و باد برگ ریزونت کنه اونوقته که میفهمی پادشاه فصل ها پاییز یعنی چی وگرنه وسط شهرکه چیزی بجز شلوغی و آلودگی and not night…