Of Yeri City to Khan Kennedy's old frontiersman(Ardabil)
Ardabil is always tempting to nature, the warm spring air that goes to the heart of hearts I cool this region, our destination this time the city and the city warmly Meshkinshar (germs) Is the site of the ancient city of Thierry and suspension bridge Meshkinshar and visited the tomb of Sheikh Haidar Khan village on the border of the Azerbaijan Republic sat down to watch the slow nature.
The beautiful village of Khan Kennedy
In the far distance of approximately 35 kilometers northeast of Plain Meshkinshar and Meshkinshar Pirazmeyan archaeological site located near the village of Qara Su is located in West River. The 400-acre campus is composed of different parts of the cemetery, temple, ancient caves and castles, among them are.
Strange carvings on the ancient site
People without a Mouth
With arms folded arms
Morning sun
This area dating back eight thousand years has been built 280 stone
متاسفانه در اطراف این محوطه با صرف هزینه زیاد جهت حفاظت اقدام به احداث یک سوله کرده بودند که کار ثبت جهانی این سایت را دچار مشکل کرده است
No Description
Column stones with different dimensions
Among the petroglyphs petroglyphs only a woman has a mouth that much of the analysis has lead archaeologists
In addition to the historical area, nature's beauty
This site is now taken care of by a person who is a tourist guide
پل معلق مشکین شهر که از بهار ۹۴ جاذبه ی جدیدی در مشکین شهر ایجاد کرده است با عرض دومتر و طول ۳۶۵ متر و ارتفاع ۸۰ عنوان بزرگترین پل معلق خاورمیانه را یدک می کشد، این پل بدست مهندسان ایرانی در پارک جنگلی مشکین شهر و در بالای Khyavchayy river has been constructed.
Percussive step hearty
Lake View
If the wind blows'll feel impulsive interesting
And Spring…
Meshkinshar Tomb of Sheikh Heydar's other attractions, tomb or mausoleum of Sheikh Heydar located in Meshkinshar.
No Description
Tomb of Sheikh Heydar area
No Description
An interesting engraving on the side of the tomb is similar to the Star of David
Tomb of Sheikh Heydar area
در نزدیکی مرز جمهوری آذربایجان روستایی قرار دارد که با مردمان خونگرمش و دریاچه و چشمه ی زیبایش شناخته می شود، خان کندی در شهرستان گرمی اردبیل قرار دارد که برای رسیدن به آن باید از گرمی به سمت جنوب و تولون حرکت کنید و با عبور از تولون moved to the border and reach the village of Khan Kennedy.
The most important thing that should be a walk in Khan Kennedy
Khan Kennedy beautiful seasonal lake that was similar to pond
We've taste-looking feathered friends did not know of the foot in Khan Kennedy
This incredibly rich and varied vegetation ranges, a variety of herbs such as oregano, thyme, nettle, chamomile, yarrow and … Dashi be found in mountain meadows prayer that sometimes they smell that turns the space creates a unique experience.
To become familiar with the route and position presented attractions, maps and gps files placed on wikiloc See.
I love to travel before any strange feeling and enthusiasm, and to explore the depths of my ignorance
Iran is full of neglect that are worth seeing…
Tomb of Sheikh Heydar ( Father, son of Sheikh Safi and Shah Ismail I) Area of special interest is the shot during the Second World War, it somewhat damaged the upper part of the.